Guess Who is the Most Followed Celebrity on Instagram?

Top Celebrities Using Instagram

Let’s play a game.
Here is a list of the Top 20 celebrities in 2016 who use social media on a regular basis. If you had to guess who would be the most followed person on Instagram, who would you choose?

Possible Celebrities:

  1. Kanye West
  2. Beyonce
  3. Lebron James
  4. Taylor Swift
  5. Justin Bieber
  6. Kim Kardashian
  7. DJ Khaled
  8. Kevin Hart
  9. Connoc Mcgregor
  10. Donald Trump
  11. Selena Gomez
  12. Cristiano Ronaldo
  13. Kendall Jenner
  14. Nicki Minaj
  15. Drake
  16. Ariana Grande
  17. Kylie Jenner
  18. Khloe Kardashian
  19. Kendrick Lamar
  20. Rihanna

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